HSCJ Code of Character, Conduct, and Support
Students, Teachers, and School Leaders
Beliefs About Students
- Students invest in school because of the presence of trusting and caring relationships with adults.
- Respecting student voice and identity garners their cooperation, commitment, and joy.
- Establishing routines and creating community results in safety through predictability.
- Different groups of students need different kinds and amounts of time, attention, tasks, and support to behave responsibly and succeed academically.
- Each and every adolescent is capable of changing their behavior with guidance, instruction, support, and coaching.
- Students who are respected and treated fairly understand and can anticipate consequences leading to self-discipline.
- Meaningful and timely interventions help students to learn more skillful behaviors when encountering challenging situations.
- Restorative actions done by students, not to students, enable them to self-correct, problem solve, make amends, repair harm, and restore their good standing.
- Students invest in school because of the presence of trusting and caring relationships with adults.
- Respecting student voice and identity garners their cooperation, commitment, and joy.
- Establishing routines and creating community results in safety through predictability.
- Different groups of students need different kinds and amounts of time, attention, tasks, and support to behave responsibly and succeed academically.
- Each and every adolescent is capable of changing their behavior with guidance, instruction, support, and coaching.
- Students who are respected and treated fairly understand and can anticipate consequences leading to self-discipline.
- Meaningful and timely interventions help students to learn more skillful behaviors when encountering challenging situations.
- Restorative actions done by students, not to students, enable them to self-correct, problem solve, make amends, repair harm, and restore their good standing.
Beliefs About Teachers
- Teachers take strategic and intentional steps to know the developmental levels, race, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, socio-economic status, and abilities of their students to build the relationships and trust necessary to cultivate an educational program and classroom culture that maximizes the capacity of all students.
- Teachers create rituals, routines, procedure, and academic and behavioral expectations to support a high-achieving, high-performing classroom.
- At the heart of a healthy school classroom is the teacher’s commitments to model, teach, practice and assess the skills, behaviors, and qualities they seek to cultivate in their
students. - Teachers understand that academic achievement is linked to the coupling of high expectations with high levels of support for all students.
Teachers create hope by building each student’s expectation of success and communicating confidence in the student’s ability to succeed. - Teacher responses to disciplinary problems help students self-correct, re-engage, and remain in the classroom while maintaining a supportive classroom environment.
- Teachers take strategic and intentional steps to know the developmental levels, race, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, socio-economic status, and abilities of their students to build the relationships and trust necessary to cultivate an educational program and classroom culture that maximizes the capacity of all students.
- Teachers create rituals, routines, procedure, and academic and behavioral expectations to support a high-achieving, high-performing classroom.
- At the heart of a healthy school classroom is the teacher’s commitments to model, teach, practice and assess the skills, behaviors, and qualities they seek to cultivate in their
students. - Teachers understand that academic achievement is linked to the coupling of high expectations with high levels of support for all students.
Teachers create hope by building each student’s expectation of success and communicating confidence in the student’s ability to succeed. - Teacher responses to disciplinary problems help students self-correct, re-engage, and remain in the classroom while maintaining a supportive classroom environment.
Beliefs About School Leaders
- School leaders have a responsibility for creating a culture where students are able to be inquisitive, resourceful, energetic, and responsible for their own learning and behavior; and hold the same expectation for every adult in the building, and most especially themselves.
- School leaders value the persistent questions presented to them. They have a responsibility to harness the dynamic energy of the school culture to promote problem solving, effective decision making, and healthy relationships.
- School leaders promote a model of collaboration and supportive accountability based on relational trust among and between administration, staff, students, and families.
- School leaders strategically use resources to systematically monitor and assess the programs and people supporting the school improvement goals.
- School leaders have a responsibility for creating a culture where students are able to be inquisitive, resourceful, energetic, and responsible for their own learning and behavior; and hold the same expectation for every adult in the building, and most especially themselves.
- School leaders value the persistent questions presented to them. They have a responsibility to harness the dynamic energy of the school culture to promote problem solving, effective decision making, and healthy relationships.
- School leaders promote a model of collaboration and supportive accountability based on relational trust among and between administration, staff, students, and families.
- School leaders strategically use resources to systematically monitor and assess the programs and people supporting the school improvement goals.
Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning
The NYCDOE’s Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning provide descriptions of conduct that meet the standards of behavior expected of NYC students, and it also outlines conduct that does not meet these standards. It includes ranges of support and interventions and also permissible disciplinary responses that schools may use to address misconduct. The HSCJ Code of Character, Discipline, and Conduct is fully aligned with the citywide expectations:
Student Character and Conduct
Responsible behavior by each student supports the rights set forth in this document. Violation of some of these responsibilities may lead, in accordance with the NYCDOE Discipline Code, to disciplinary measures. Students have a responsibility to:
- Attend school regularly and punctually and make every effort to achieve in all areas of their education.
- Be prepared for class with appropriate materials or proactively seek out the materials needed.
- Follow school regulations regarding entering and leaving the classroom and school building to take part in maintaining a safe and supportive community.
- Help maintain a school environment free of weapons, illegal drugs, controlled substances, and alcohol.
- Behave in a manner that contributes to a safe learning environment and which does not violate other students’ right to learn.
- Share information with school officials regarding matters which may endanger the health and welfare of members of the school community.
- Respect the dignity and equality of others and refrain from conduct which denies or impinges on the rights of others.
- Show respect for school property and respect the property of others, both private and public.
- Use non-confrontational, restorative methods to resolve conflicts.
- Refrain from obscene and defamatory communication in speech, writing, and other modes of expression, including electronic expression, in their interactions with the school community.
Student Character and Conduct
Responsible behavior by each student supports the rights set forth in this document. Violation of some of these responsibilities may lead, in accordance with the NYCDOE Discipline Code, to disciplinary measures. Students have a responsibility to:
- Attend school regularly and punctually and make every effort to achieve in all areas of their education.
- Be prepared for class with appropriate materials or proactively seek out the materials needed.
- Follow school regulations regarding entering and leaving the classroom and school building to take part in maintaining a safe and supportive community.
- Help maintain a school environment free of weapons, illegal drugs, controlled substances, and alcohol.
- Behave in a manner that contributes to a safe learning environment and which does not violate other students’ right to learn.
- Share information with school officials regarding matters which may endanger the health and welfare of members of the school community.
- Respect the dignity and equality of others and refrain from conduct which denies or impinges on the rights of others.
- Show respect for school property and respect the property of others, both private and public.
- Use non-confrontational, restorative methods to resolve conflicts.
- Refrain from obscene and defamatory communication in speech, writing, and other modes of expression, including electronic expression, in their interactions with the school community.
Important HSCJ Policies and Procedures
Entering the Building
The building opens starting at 8:30 am for breakfast. All students must be in their first period class by 9:00 am. Any student entering the building after 9:00 am will have their families contacted to inform them of their lateness.
Leaving the Building
Students must sign out and obtain a yellow pass from the main office in order to exit the building before the end of the school day. Families must notify the main office to give permission for a student to leave early. Students are not allowed to leave the building unauthorized. School Safety Agents, with the support of the administrator on duty in the cafeteria, will monitor the front door during lunch. Parents will be notified immediately of any student who leaves the building without permission.
Student Lateness
Any student entering the building after 9:00 am will have their families contacted to inform them of their lateness. If the CAASS machine is no longer in the lobby for students to swipe in, School Safety will have the student escorted to the office where their lateness will be noted and their family contacted. Students with continued lateness will have a mandatory parent conference, participate in circles, be assigned community service, lose open gym and/ or extracurricular privileges, and other consequences as outlined below. Other consequences as outlined below will be imposed for continued issues.
Student Absence
Families will be notified if their student does not report to school by the start of 2nd period. Students who have an excused absence should bring their documentation to the main office so she can mark their absence as excused.
Hall Pass
Students may not use the Hall Pass during the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class in order to provide School Safety, Dean, and Administration time to clear the hallways.
- Students must have a pass to enter bathrooms, except during their lunch period
- Students must see the assigned School Aide with their Student ID and a pass to unlock the restroom door.
- Before School: Lobby Bathrooms Open/ Unlocked during breakfast
Period 1: Lobby bathrooms open, but must get School Safety Agent to unlock them - 2nd-4th periods: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Floor Bathrooms Open
- 5th-6th periods: Lobby Bathrooms Open (for students in lunch only) and
- 4th Floor Bathrooms Open (for students in class only)
- 7th-8th periods: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Floor Bathrooms Open
- After School: Lobby Bathrooms Open
The entire school has lunch during 6th period. Students who meet academic/attendance and behavior criteria have the privilege to go out-to-lunch. Students not meeting the lunch criteria will have their out-to-lunch privileges revoked. Students may also choose to eat the hot school lunch provided or food brought into the building prior to the start of the school day. There will be a microwave available for students to use during lunch. Students are not allowed to order outside food to be delivered to the building. If a student orders food to the building, their parents will be notified and given the option of keeping the food until the end of the day or throwing it away.
Lunchtime Open Gym
Students who have lunch are permitted to go down to the gym to play sports or socialize with their friends. Students may go down to the gym at any point during their lunch period and must use their ID cards to swipe into the gym, however once students are in the gym, they must stay there for the remainder of the period. No food or beverages are permitted in the gym. Students must eat in the cafeteria prior to coming down. Students who do not follow these policies will have their open gym privilege revoked.
Bullying is a type of behavior that is intended to cause some kind of harm. The person doing the bullying purposely says or does something to hurt the target of their behavior. Bullying behavior always involves an imbalance of power or strength between the person doing the bullying and the target of the behavior. Bullying behavior will not be tolerated at the High School for Climate Justice. A student who is found to be bullying another student will have their parent invited in for a conference and be required to participate in a Restorative Circle. Students may also receive a range of disciplinary consequences as outlined below including community service and suspension.
Physical Altercations
Students who engage in physical altercations will be sent home for the remainder of the day with parent consent. Parents will be required to report to school with the student the following day for a conference and to discuss other consequences as outlined below. These consequences also apply to physical altercations that occur at dismissal, on the way home, or away from the school building.
Students are not permitted in the back stairwells at any time. Additionally, students are not permitted to sit or hang out in the stairwells at any time during the school day. Students caught in the back stairwells or hanging out in the stairwells will have families contacted, participate in circles, be assigned community service, or lose open gym and/ or extracurricular privileges.
Academic Dishonesty
For the first offense of cheating or plagiarizing on academic assignments, families will be contacted and the assignment may be made up for partial credit. Any occurrence thereafter will result in families being contacted and teacher discretion regarding the student’s ability to make up the assignment.
Weapons of any kind are not permitted in the school building. This includes imitation weapons and any dangerous, deadly, or sharp pointed instruments which can be used or is intended for use as a weapon. For the complete list of weapons, please see the Citywide Behavioral Expectations [NOTE: This links to the same PDF]. A superintendent’s suspension will be requested for any student found in possession of a weapon in school. The NYCDOE occasionally assigns unannounced random scanning in schools. Any student caught with a weapon during random scanning will receive a superintendent’s suspension.
Vaping or E-cigarettes
Students are not permitted to be in possession of a vape or e-cigarette. These items will be confiscated if brought inside the school building. Parents will also be contacted and other consequences as outlined below will be imposed for continued issues.
Drugs are not permitted in the school building unless stored in the nurse’s office with a prescription. Students found in possession of illegal drugs or prescription drugs that are not prescribed will have a mandatory parent conference, a referral for drug counseling where appropriate, and other consequences described below. Students caught distributing or selling drugs in the building will be suspended for a minimum of 5 days.
Progressive Ladder of Support and Disciplinary Responses
The ladder of support and disciplinary responses below illustrates a progressive approach to inappropriate behavior. Student misbehavior must be handled on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, implementation of appropriate interventions and disciplinary responses must take into account a number of factors, including the nature and severity of the misconduct and individual student needs.
Range of Disciplinary Responses
- Student/Teacher discussion
- Collaborative Problem-Solving Form
- In-Class positive behavior interventions and supports that are aligned with the desired behaviors (extra points for academic behaviors, positive calls home, prizes, etc.)
- In-Class privileges revoked (temporary or permanent seat change, reflection sheet assigned, hold student phone for class period, etc.)
- Parent Outreach
- Restorative Conference
- Parent Conference
- Guidance Conference with student to discuss behavior and identify possible supports
- Conference with appropriate supervisor (e.g., Assistant Principal, Principal) to address the misbehavior and understand its impact
- Exclusion from extracurricular activities and/ or open gym
- Community service (with parental consent)
- Short-term behavioral progress reports
- Individual/Group Counseling
- Mentoring
- Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)/ Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) (students with disabilities)
- Referral to community-based organization
- Referral to outside counseling
- Teacher Removal (up to 4 days)
- Principal’s Suspension (up to 5 days)
- Superintendent’s Suspension (up to 20 days)
Entering the Building
The building opens starting at 8:30 am for breakfast. All students must be in their first period class by 9:00 am. Any student entering the building after 9:00 am will have their families contacted to inform them of their lateness.
Leaving the Building
Students must sign out and obtain a yellow pass from the main office in order to exit the building before the end of the school day. Families must notify the main office to give permission for a student to leave early. Students are not allowed to leave the building unauthorized. School Safety Agents, with the support of the administrator on duty in the cafeteria, will monitor the front door during lunch. Parents will be notified immediately of any student who leaves the building without permission.
Student Lateness
Any student entering the building after 9:00 am will have their families contacted to inform them of their lateness. If the CAASS machine is no longer in the lobby for students to swipe in, School Safety will have the student escorted to the office where their lateness will be noted and their family contacted. Students with continued lateness will have a mandatory parent conference, participate in circles, be assigned community service, lose open gym and/ or extracurricular privileges, and other consequences as outlined below. Other consequences as outlined below will be imposed for continued issues.
Student Absence
Families will be notified if their student does not report to school by the start of 2nd period. Students who have an excused absence should bring their documentation to the main office so she can mark their absence as excused.
Hall Pass
Students may not use the Hall Pass during the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class in order to provide School Safety, Dean, and Administration time to clear the hallways.
- Students must have a pass to enter bathrooms, except during their lunch period
- Students must see the assigned School Aide with their Student ID and a pass to unlock the restroom door.
- Before School: Lobby Bathrooms Open/ Unlocked during breakfast
Period 1: Lobby bathrooms open, but must get School Safety Agent to unlock them - 2nd-4th periods: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Floor Bathrooms Open
- 5th-6th periods: Lobby Bathrooms Open (for students in lunch only) and
- 4th Floor Bathrooms Open (for students in class only)
- 7th-8th periods: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Floor Bathrooms Open
- After School: Lobby Bathrooms Open
The entire school has lunch during 6th period. Students who meet academic/attendance and behavior criteria have the privilege to go out-to-lunch. Students not meeting the lunch criteria will have their out-to-lunch privileges revoked. Students may also choose to eat the hot school lunch provided or food brought into the building prior to the start of the school day. There will be a microwave available for students to use during lunch. Students are not allowed to order outside food to be delivered to the building. If a student orders food to the building, their parents will be notified and given the option of keeping the food until the end of the day or throwing it away.
Lunchtime Open Gym
Students who have lunch are permitted to go down to the gym to play sports or socialize with their friends. Students may go down to the gym at any point during their lunch period and must use their ID cards to swipe into the gym, however once students are in the gym, they must stay there for the remainder of the period. No food or beverages are permitted in the gym. Students must eat in the cafeteria prior to coming down. Students who do not follow these policies will have their open gym privilege revoked.
Bullying is a type of behavior that is intended to cause some kind of harm. The person doing the bullying purposely says or does something to hurt the target of their behavior. Bullying behavior always involves an imbalance of power or strength between the person doing the bullying and the target of the behavior. Bullying behavior will not be tolerated at the High School for Climate Justice. A student who is found to be bullying another student will have their parent invited in for a conference and be required to participate in a Restorative Circle. Students may also receive a range of disciplinary consequences as outlined below including community service and suspension.
Physical Altercations
Students who engage in physical altercations will be sent home for the remainder of the day with parent consent. Parents will be required to report to school with the student the following day for a conference and to discuss other consequences as outlined below. These consequences also apply to physical altercations that occur at dismissal, on the way home, or away from the school building.
Students are not permitted in the back stairwells at any time. Additionally, students are not permitted to sit or hang out in the stairwells at any time during the school day. Students caught in the back stairwells or hanging out in the stairwells will have families contacted, participate in circles, be assigned community service, or lose open gym and/ or extracurricular privileges.
Academic Dishonesty
For the first offense of cheating or plagiarizing on academic assignments, families will be contacted and the assignment may be made up for partial credit. Any occurrence thereafter will result in families being contacted and teacher discretion regarding the student’s ability to make up the assignment.
Weapons of any kind are not permitted in the school building. This includes imitation weapons and any dangerous, deadly, or sharp pointed instruments which can be used or is intended for use as a weapon. For the complete list of weapons, please see the Citywide Behavioral Expectations [NOTE: This links to the same PDF]. A superintendent’s suspension will be requested for any student found in possession of a weapon in school. The NYCDOE occasionally assigns unannounced random scanning in schools. Any student caught with a weapon during random scanning will receive a superintendent’s suspension.
Vaping or E-cigarettes
Students are not permitted to be in possession of a vape or e-cigarette. These items will be confiscated if brought inside the school building. Parents will also be contacted and other consequences as outlined below will be imposed for continued issues.
Drugs are not permitted in the school building unless stored in the nurse’s office with a prescription. Students found in possession of illegal drugs or prescription drugs that are not prescribed will have a mandatory parent conference, a referral for drug counseling where appropriate, and other consequences described below. Students caught distributing or selling drugs in the building will be suspended for a minimum of 5 days.
Progressive Ladder of Support and Disciplinary Responses
The ladder of support and disciplinary responses below illustrates a progressive approach to inappropriate behavior. Student misbehavior must be handled on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, implementation of appropriate interventions and disciplinary responses must take into account a number of factors, including the nature and severity of the misconduct and individual student needs.
Range of Disciplinary Responses
- Student/Teacher discussion
- Collaborative Problem-Solving Form
- In-Class positive behavior interventions and supports that are aligned with the desired behaviors (extra points for academic behaviors, positive calls home, prizes, etc.)
- In-Class privileges revoked (temporary or permanent seat change, reflection sheet assigned, hold student phone for class period, etc.)
- Parent Outreach
- Restorative Conference
- Parent Conference
- Guidance Conference with student to discuss behavior and identify possible supports
- Conference with appropriate supervisor (e.g., Assistant Principal, Principal) to address the misbehavior and understand its impact
- Exclusion from extracurricular activities and/ or open gym
- Community service (with parental consent)
- Short-term behavioral progress reports
- Individual/Group Counseling
- Mentoring
- Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)/ Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) (students with disabilities)
- Referral to community-based organization
- Referral to outside counseling
- Teacher Removal (up to 4 days)
- Principal’s Suspension (up to 5 days)
- Superintendent’s Suspension (up to 20 days)