Our Senior Band and Dance Club students recently had the privilege of attending a unique and thought-provoking performance, “Communi-Tree,” hosted by the New York Society for Ethical Culture (@ethicalnyc)
This event was a special presentation by Time Lapse Dance (@time_lapse_dance), a New York-based modern dance company renowned for creating visually stunning works exploring ecological themes.
The “Communi-Tree” performance, directed by the talented choreographer Jody Sperling, was an educational dance program that offered a creative experience of nature for children of all grades. The performance highlighted the importance of trees through artistic expression, cultivating a sense of kinship between trees and people.
We would like to extend our gratitude to Ethical NYC and Time Lapse Dance for hosting this event and providing our students with an unforgettable experience. We look forward to more opportunities for our students to engage with the arts and learn about important issues in our world.